
Beyond the Future.

The Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of contempory Art

Essay by Claire Oboussier

ISBN / ISSN 1876509668
PUBLISHER: Queensland Art Gallery (Brisbane, Australia)


Beyond the Future is the most recent addition to the series of APT publications. This unique collection of original essays by leading Australian and international scholars explores the diversity and dynamism of contemporary art in the region. Painting, installation, video, new media and innovations within traditions are addressed. 117 commissioned essays by 85 writers discuss the work of 77 artists from 20 countries and regions through illustrated texts, while 40 essays explore contemporary Asia-Pacific art and the past decade of vigourous cultural practice. Details of artworks, selected artists’ statements, informative artistic biographies and further reading are also included. Lavishly illustrated, this exciting and important publication makes a significant contribution to cross-cultural dialogue and to understanding the vibrant contemporary art of Asia and the Pacific.’ – abstract taken from inside cover.

This catalogue includes a foreword by Doug Hall, Director of Queensland Art Gallery, as well as artists’ statements and biographies.